Food Trucks

Food Truck Insurance Made Simple For You

Food trucks can net large annual revenues and can provide a great source of income to owners and employees. The part of the food truck business that puts people out of business is not managing their fixed expenses appropriately. With The Powell Agency, we will do our best to help you find coverage that enables you to have the flexibility and opportunity to expand your operation. We are here to serve you every step of the way in helping your food truck business succeed.

We help a variety of Food Truck owners get covered in the following locations:

  • Parking Lots
  • Malls
  • Downtown
  • Bus Terminals
  • Airports
  • Sports Field
  • Beaches
  • Arenas
  • Office Buildings

In order to keep your rates low, it is important that you find out more information about what type of risk the area in which you operate will carry. The safety of an area will have an impact on premium prices with carriers. However there are also many other factors influencing rates such as traffic density or types of crimes committed nearby, type of truck, type of food.

Learn About Food Truck Insurance

A food truck owner must have some type of liability coverage. In some states, worker’s compensation insurance is also required. Food trucks need general liability coverage (liability protection from injury and property damage). It is recommended that food trucks also carry product contamination insurance, which protects against emergencies such as a customer’s allergic reaction or spoilage.

Commercial auto liability insurance covers you for any injury or damages sustained by any of these customers: keep in mind, though, that it may not cover damages incurred by the customer driving his car into your truck to order those burgers! Product contamination liability applies to those times when food becomes contaminated during transportation between the restaurant and patrons—this typically happens as a result of an accident. For example, if your driver is rear-ended by a fast driver, the harsh stop may cause all of the food to spill out due to a lack of packaging.

If you have no insurance, your business can be shut down for not having enough coverage. The Powell Agency has the programs to get your food truck business covered.

Great Rates For Your Operation

Food truck insurance is a bit more complicated than you might think, so taking the time to understand your unique needs is important.

Call The Powell Agency today at 469-850-0860 or start a quote application to get trucking insurance.

How The Powell Agency helps protect you

Our team of knowledgeable agents are experts at finding the right coverage for your family, or your business. Get your insurance quote now.