What is Auto Safety Insurance?

First, let’s be very clear on one thing, Texas Law requires an owner and operator of a motor vehicle to have auto insurance and present such proof at the time of vehicle registration.

In general terms, a vehicle must have…

  • A minimum of $10,000 PIP and PDL insurance
  • Continuous coverage

The penalties for driving without car insurance in Texas can result in hefty fines and the loss of driving privileges. Reinstatement of driving privilege’s fees can range from $150 up to $500 for subsequent violations, and the driver must provide proof of current Texas insurance.

Not having auto insurance can cost you more than having insurance!

There are a number of variations and types of coverages, and there are many changes in coverage requirements as life changes all the time. New drivers, job changes and even an address update can affect your coverage. I recommend reviewing your policy as your circumstances change. There is no requirement that says you must wait until your policy expires to review, so review as needed, don’t wait. Waiting could cost more, while getting and staying informed does not. Contact us for a free quote and even a free comparison of coverage with your current provider.

Always talk to an insurance professional with experience insuring automobiles in the State of Texas to ensure you’re adequately covered and that you’re compliant with your state’s laws.

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